Christie will be joining us as a speaker for WordCamp DFW with her talk entitled “A/B Testing FTW” on our Business track.
Category Archives: announcements
Reserve your official WCDFW shirt!
If you haven’t yet, be sure to buy a ticket by September 5 so you can reserve an official WCDFW shirt in your size.
Tickets purchased after the 5th will still come with a t-shirt, but we’ll be guessing on sizes after that, so you may not end up with exactly what you want.
Get a ticket (and reserve your shirt size) now:

Keynote Speaker: Kori Ashton
We’re excited to announce Kori Ashton is our keynote speaker at WordCamp DFW this year! She founded WebTegrity, is a WordCamp San Antonio co-organizer, and shares her WordPress enthusiasm and knowledge on her WordPress Wednesday YouTube channel every week.
Kori built her first website in 1998 and has more than fifteen years of experience as a web developer, graphic designer, and online marketing specialist. She’s taught WordPress, web design, SEO, and more to hundreds of students across the U.S., and we’re thrilled to have her join us at WCDFW this year.
If you haven’t yet, grab your ticket so you can be there for her keynote on September 24!
Volunteer to help make WordCamp DFW a success!
We’re hard at work organizing WordCamp DFW 2016 and we’d really appreciate your help on the big day!
We need volunteers on September 24 for everything from the registration table, to room manager, swag distribution, video camera monitors, and more. If you can help, fill out the form below to let us know!

2016 DFW WordCamp for Kids!
This year will be the year DFW Kid’s Camp sells out long before the adult tickets!
DFW Kid’s Camp
This year, Kid’s Camp is destined for new heights! Last year tickets sold out. This year, grab your tickets to DFW Kid’s Camp early, and get ready for the excitement!
Kid’s Camp is specifically designed, created, and geared to educate and empower a younger generation to become fluidly comfortable and proficient with WordPress. Imagine what you could do if you had an extra 4 or 5 years of experience with WordPress.
- Where would you be now?
- Where would your super skills be?
- How excited would you be when you opened up your
area with total confidence? - Who would you be able to help?
- What types of sites would you have the power to create?
- Where would YOU be, TODAY?
This is your opportunity to give your children the head start they they need!
You’ll need to bring:
- An “age appropriate” Kid (..we’ll let YOU decide what that means)
- A laptop or tablet that can connect to the internet
- That’s It! There’s not really a #3, but a list of only 2 items seems a bit lonely! A kiddo & a laptop is all you need! #waahoo
Points to Ponder:
- As you know, WordPress is a great medium to tell a story.
- So, to practice posting content, please have you kiddo think of at least 3 courageous, compelling, captivating, mesmerizing, intriguing, and fascinating stories so that they can practice making a post.
- Regardless if it’s a laptop or a tablet, bring some images!
- Have the laptop or tablet stuffed with several images so that your kiddo can practice uploading media, positioning the images, captioning the story, and become comfortable with images in WordPress.
- Have FUN!
- Last year, several kiddos were done with the class and in only 1 years time, they’ve gone on to have great blogs and websites powered by WordPress. Our goal here is not only educational, but to enjoy it as well! Be prepared to actually enjoy learning!
Get Your Ticket(s) to Kid’s Camp Now
Got a Question? Overly excited and just want to say #wahoo? No Problem! Contact us or reach out on Facebook or Twitter anytime!

Thank you to iThemes for hosting our after party!
I’d like to give a huge thank you to iThemes for offering to sponsor the WordCamp DFW 2016 after party. This is the 3rd year in a row for iThemes to generously host us.
Cory Miller and his iThemes team have been cheerleaders for WordCamp DFW since its reboot in 2014 and we are very thankful.
Details on the after party are TBD, but know that it will be close in proximity to the WordCamp venue and provide a fun atmosphere for campers of all ages.
Are you interested in sponsoring WCDFW? We have multiple sponsorship levels available to accommodate a variety of budgets. Click here to learn more about sponsorship.
Call for Sponsors
Sponsoring WordCamp is a great way to show your support for the WordPress community. Our attendees include designers, developers, bloggers, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and educators from around Texas. In order to drive costs down for our attendees, we look to sponsors to help make WordCamp part of this awesome open-source community.
Call for Speakers
Come be a part of WordCamp whether it’s your first time speaking or twentieth. Let’s grow together, let’s share knowledge, and let’s make it happen Texas-style!
Welcome to WordCamp DFW
We’re happy to announce that WordCamp DFW is officially on the calendar!
WordCamp DFW will be September 24th at The University of Texas Arlington.
Subscribe using the form in the sidebar to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll be keeping you posted on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, ticket sales and more!