Topic: Gutenberg 101
Christopher launched Faith Growth in 2010. Since then, he has led his team in assisting churches with moving to a digital-first mindset.
For some churches, that means creating a custom website. For others, it’s implementing smart social media practices. For others, it’s developing a comprehensive plan to engage and grow their church communities online. Christopher understands church needs and challenges, as he has held several church staff positions.
Born a geek, Christopher coded his first church website in 1997. In 2003 he entered Seminary, concluding his M.Div. studies just as social media reached a critical tipping point when Facebook opened its site to the public. Christopher enjoys coding in WordPress, but his primary passion is in helping churches to communicate effectively by harnessing the power of digital technologies. Based in Dallas, Texas, Faith Growth serves clients internationally.
How did you get involved in WordPress?
My journey with WordPress began in 2005 when I set up a blog for my mother. I found WordPress easy to use and install. It was perfect platform on which for my mother to learn to blog. I was a seminary student at that time studying to become a Pastor.
I concluded my seminary studies in 2008 just after Facebook opened to users beyond those with a .edu email address. I’ve always been doing the tech thing along with ministry. When I came out of seminary, I was really was like, “I don’t really feel called to work with one congregation right now. I feel called to help the church learn how to use digital communication tools for ministry.” So I started a ministry organization called, Faith Growth.
What do you do with WordPress?
At Faith Growth we are digital ministry consultants. Our goal is to make digital easy for church leaders. We have been at this just over five years and just now feel like I know what I am doing. I would not be here today if it where not for the WordPress community. I have learned the ins and outs of WordPress from the community via user groups, online tutorials, and from kind strangers answering my questions on forums. I also have learned how to run my business from project management to writing proposals from other WordPress consultants that shared with me their experienced.
What has your experience with the WordPress community been like?
WordPress is great CMS and is perfect for most projects, but WordPress is also strengthened by the community. I am thankful everyday for this great community!
Why did you want to speak at WordCamp DFW?
I want to give back to the community that has taught me so much by offering a little of what I know about WordPress.
Why did you decide to speak on your topic?
Gutenburg is a timely topic with the eminent release of WordPress 5.0 and affects us all user and developer alike.
What do you hope the audience gets from your talk?
I hope the will walk away with a basic understanding of the new Gutenberg editor and what changes that might mean for their publishing workflow. I also hope to excite their imaginations to the many possibilities that Gutenberg will bring to WordPress.
Tickets are now on sale for this year’s WordCamp DFW held on Nov. 10-11. There are also plenty of opportunities to sponsor the event or help run it. We hope to see you there!