Morgan Estes

Morgan Estes

Morgan is currently a Web Engineer with 10up, focusing on creating a great web publishing experience for clients using WordPress. Although he’s been a Core Contributor to the WordPress open source project and a member of the OKC WordPress User Group since 2009, he’s become more active in the past two years after attending his first WordCamp.

A proud “computer geek”, Morgan first learned programming in elementary school from source code printed in the back of magazines. He built his first website in 1998, and continued to tinker with computers and Web technology over the next decade.

After over a decade in the Navy, he decided to leave the service and study Information Systems in college, eventually earning his degree in Liberal Studies. After college, he took a job managing a 6,000-page website using Dreamweaver. Seeing the futility in this, he started looking for CMSs, finally landing on WordPress, which he’s since used to build sites large and small, from eCommerce and membership sites to nonprofits, community organizations, and blogs.

When not delving into code, he likes to visit the zoo with his wife and daughter, take photos he never does anything with, and choke back tears when a companion leaves Doctor Who.


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