DreamHost – WordCamp DFW 2019 Sponsor

We’re so grateful to announce DreamHost as a sponsor at WordCamp DFW.

We at DreamHost are passionate supporters of the Open Web.  A web that gives voice to the voiceless using the power of open source software is the purest expression of the web’s potential to foster understanding and collaboration.

DreamHost has been sponsoring WordCamps for years. We are glad to have them with us in DFW!

It’s important to us to support the WordPress project however we can.  Sponsoring WordCamps is a big part of that effort! We speak at WordCamps across the globe regularly, and we make incredible connections with very talented content creators and entrepreneurs every time!  WordCamps tap into an energy that’s very rare to find in the tech world.


DreamHost logo 2019 WordCamp DFW Sponsor


Online collaboration and open source software are things that go hand-in-hand, and DreamHost has been using both since almost the very beginning!

When DreamHost first began in 1997, open source software formed the basis of our hosting platform.  In those early days we understood the promise of online collaboration that leads to successful open source software projects, and we embraced it wholeheartedly.
Early open source web apps reflected the best of the web and what it could become.  One thing that became very clear early on was that the community around WordPress was welcoming, passionate, and extremely talented.  Many of us ran WordPress ourselves for our own personal projects. We watched for years as more and more of our customers started running WordPress on their accounts; it was clear this was something big!
Make sure to visit the DreamHost booth to find out more about the hosting experience, and DreamPress!
DreamHost provides one of the best WordPress hosting experiences on the web.  From shared hosting to advanced VPS hosting to our managed WordPress hosting solution, DreamPress!
DreamPress provides a custom-built hosting environment designed from the ground-up with WordPress’ unique server needs in mind.  It frees website owners from having to worry about the technical side of running WordPress, and lets them focus instead on building their audiences.

They are (almost) as excited as we are to be here. Let’s give them a warm, friendly welcome!

The WordPress community has been consistently supportive and helpful.  We love coming to WordCamps to hear everyone’s stories – and there are a lot of them!

Open Source is really important to DreamHost, so be sure to gather up your questions. We’re sure they’d love to help you out.

One of our eight core values is “Embrace Open Source.”  It’s a code that we live by!
Make sure to tweet at @dreamhost or give them a shout-out on Instagram during the conference!
We’d love to see you at this year’s WordCamp DFW!  Get your Tickets here!